We build virtual labs to suite all levels of professionals seeking to expand their technical skills with hands on experience. 

Evil 300

Advanced Pentesting Lab

This self-paced online advanced pentest training lab requires students apply new advanced persistent threat Opsec and techniques against a hardened heterogeneous network. Students are immersed in a Active Directory corporate environment, up-to-date and patched operating systems, modern defenses, with active and passive host-based alerting malicious activities. Simulated corporate users performing routine logins and mounting share drives generate real-world network activity essential to completing the lab.


DMZ 200

Ethical Hacking Lab

DMZ 200 is a self-paced online training lab to practice and refine fundamental pentesting techniques and tools. Exploit target systems using detailed reconnaissance methods to identify operating system and system services. Escape restricted environments to enumerate and pilfer systems to find user and administrator level flags. Practice web application attacks and reverse engineering techniques in a layered security environment to gain additional system privileges.

Vault 100

Introduction to Hacking Lab

VAULT 100 is a self-paced online training lab for entry or beginner level students to build basic pentesting skills. Learn and practice vulnerability scanning, password fuzzing, and SQL injection. Exploits applications and services using Local File Inclusion, Remote Directory Traversal, and various reverse shells.